Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Divorce , Vastu Shastra And My Vastu Experience (M)+91-098882-44790

Divorce , Vastu Shastra And My Vastu Experience (M)+91-098882-44790
Rakesh Bhardwaj (Vastu Shastra Consultant ) (M) +91-098882-44790
Married but having problems? The best advice is not to divorce, but to go directly into couple's counseling. I have seen the most damaged and difficult marriages work out and become stronger and healthier than they ever were in the past.
All marriages struggle, but if you have children, they deserve to live in a home free of conflict and anger. This will not end when you divorce, but will most likely increase when you separate and divorce. You will still both be the same people who entered into theMarriage and will continue your personal dysfunction in your life apart unless you do some personal work in therapy.
If you are in the battlefield of a difficult Marriage , it can seem like you spend most of the day avoiding minefields. The problems seem so overwhelming that they seem impossible to sort out, especially when each partner has created their war chest of hurts, anger, and resentments. Most unhappy marriages begin in the same way and follow a downward spiral that seems to end in the inevitable sadness of Divorce You are not alone: More than half of all marriages end in divorce in World, and 60% of second marriages fail also. What is frightening is many people can't understand why. ? Your child dont know any thing about your games Your shameful decision, but your child future will be definitely lost
Is This Possible Vastu Shastra Help Your Shamful Decisson ? Yes My Vastu Shastra Experience strongly Anwser 100 % remove of your shameful Decisson (thinking) (M)098882-44790
1. If the house is having ES street focus, that will also be a reason for divorce.
2. If the house is facing towards SE, that is also a reason for divorce.
3. Then entrance from northwest towards north is also a reason for divorce.
4. The house expansion towards northwest is also a reason for divorce.
5. Down South East part is also a reason for divorce.
6. Wrong Bedroom is reason Of Divorce .
7. If Cut or Extend Se Area And Problem Of NE Area . You Loss You Your Real Love.
8. In Bedroom Mirror is not Of reason of divorce. But Wrong Colour And Wrong interior may be Reason Of Divorce .
9. Igo is Main Reason Of Divorce . Vastu Gives You Igo Free Life.
10Dipression or Anger Is starting Part Of Divorce .Vastu Gives You Dipression Free Life
Rakesh Bhardwaj (Vastu Shastra Consultant ) (M) +91-098882-44790


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